Thursday, January 31, 2013

How Empty Is Your Tank?

     When your fuel light comes on, it is usually an indication that your gas tank is empty and must be filled as soon as possible. However, the website Tank on Empty is giving drivers a much different view point on their low fuel light with the motto: “How far can you go after the gas light in your car comes on?”  
     The site is solely dedicated to collecting figures from its visitors and turning that information into an estimated measurement of how many miles a vehicle may have until it completely runs out of gas. Even though it might not be the brightest idea to run your gas tank until the last drop, we must be thankful for those who have done so for the sake of others awareness. 
     With over 3 million page views, the site has quickly developed a plausible rating with all recognized car models. For example, a Honda Civic can go an average of 44.12 miles after the fuel light comes on, according to the 255 voters for that specific model. Each car model is also represented by its own easy-to-read chart that depicts how many people have voted for each distance they have gone. So, if you’d like to know how far your car can go, head over to Tank on Empty and type your car's make and model in the search bar! 

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