Friday, September 9, 2011

Funny Defensive Driving

A person has a large number of options across Texas when looking for a defensive driving class, but as that person limits what he or she would like from a defensive driving class, the options become more and more limited as well. A person can easily remove several options from his or her list just by looking at the price that some defensive driving course providers require a student to pay which can range anywhere from $25 to $69 even though all of them offer the same information and the same result. Once a person determines the distance he or she must travel to reach the defensive driving classroom, many more defensive driving course providers can be removed from his or her list of options... Unless he or she is just really looking for a reason to have a state-wide road trip. A person should also consider the tone of the defensive driving class he or she plans to take. The defensive driving class can be very serious and monotone or very funny and relaxed. Regardless of which tone is chosen for a defensive driving class, each student must be in the class for six hours by Texas law. Unless a person is just really attached to the idea that a defensive driving class is supposed to be punishment for his or her ticket then a funny, relaxed defensive driving class is the way to go.

Whether a person chooses a defensive driving class that is serious and monotone or funny and relaxed, the lowest price the person will be required to pay is $25. By Texas lax, a defensive driving course provider must charge at least $25. There are defensive driving course providers that charge a lot more than $25 and many of them don't even offer the defensive driving course in a funny manner. It doesn't make much sense for a person to pay more money than he or she has to pay for a very serious and boring class that doesn't have to be serious and boring. The logical way to go is to pay the lowest price possible with the most entertaining and educational method of delivery. There's no reason to relive the boring and annoying days of high school where your teachers nagged you constantly and you fought against the forces of nature to stay awake through a never-ending lecture or outdated video.

So once a person has tossed out all defensive driving course providers who charge outrageous prices and that don't offer the course using a funny method of instruction as well as any defensive driving classrooms that are too far away to be within a reasonable driving distance or a defensive driving course provider that offers the funny course over the internet, the list has likely gotten extraordinarily short. It probably consists of one or two places that are solely defensive driving course providers and possibly a comedy club or two that also offers defensive driving classes. In the Houston area, the cheapest on that list will undoubtedly be Comedy Driving, Inc., which offers a funny course online as well as a course with a live instructor in four different classrooms in and around the Houston area of which are close to virtually every side of Houston: Katy, League City, Sugar Land and Willowbrook. Every defensive driving class is taught by a trained comedian and the online course has many contributions from trained comedians so regardless of how a person decides to take the defensive driving class, there sure to have a good time while learning how to be a better driver.

When it's possible, every moment in the classroom of a defensive driving class with humor is crafted to be both education and entertaining, but serious behavior is applied when serious behavior is necessary. For instance, when handling the Certificate of Completion a person receives for completing the defensive driving class which involves passing a test at the end of the class, it's treated with the utmost serious approach. The Certificate of Completion must be mailed to you. By Texas law, defensive driving course providers are not allowed to hand a Certificate of Completion to anyone in person. It must be mailed to each person who completes the course. If a person waits until the last minute to take the defensive driving course and needs it sooner than the allotted one to seven days that it could take to get to his or her address, most defensive driving course providers also provide expedited shipping for delivery of your Certificate of Completion which could shorten the delivery time from one to seven days to one to two days or even next day delivery, but you'll have to incur an additional cost for the expedited delivery. Before going through the entire six-hour course, each person that needs his or her Certificate of Completion in a hurry should check with the defensive driving course provider to find out if expedited shipping is offered.

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