These days there are actually quite a few tools most people have at their disposal that could help them find out that sort of information. Although, most of the tools are the very same thing that cause the accidents that, in turn, cause the traffic to be backed up so badly. These tools are your cell phones. There are a lot of great uses for a cell phone when you're driving: GPS, traffic updates and taking pointless pictures of yourself driving to put on Facebook instead of having both hands on the wheel to make sure you don't become the cause of the traffic being locked-in at a standstill.
When you're using one of the tools on your smartphone to find out about the traffic in your area, you should only do so when your car isn't and shouldn't be moving. Do it in your driveway or in a parking lot before you get moving. Stop some place away from traffic like a gas station or restaurant to double-check the information or update the route on your GPS. There's no point is having a smartphone that has all those capabilities if you're just going to make dumb decisions. Be smarter than your phone.
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