Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Drive Safely

Have you ever asked yourself, "Do I drive safely?"... Driving can be a very stressful experience. So if you answered yourself with "I am the SAFEST", you have probably have taken an Aggressive Driving Class and are currently in denial. So let me remind you it's important to avoid engaging in aggressive driving behaviors, such as speeding, running red lights, quick lane changing and failure to yield, especially as an aggressive driving act can trigger an unwanted response, it might bring out the Mel Gibson in you which sometimes even escalates into road rage, a criminal act of assault.

Aggressive driving behaviors are a factor in up to 56% of fatal crashes. Additionally, nearly 90% of drivers view aggressive driving as very serious or somewhat serious threat to their own safety.


Do NOT give them the finger, even though it may feel good.
Avoid cutting drivers off just so they can read your bumper stickers, but if you have to please apologize.
Avoid tailgating and honking the horn
Avoid making inappropriate or offensive gestures

Steer clear of other aggressive drivers
Avoid giving them the pretty eyes
Don't be too afraid to call 911 if you're being followed

Leave yourself enough time when heading out
Put yourself in the other driver's shoes, even if they don't fit
Take a deep breath and remember to take it further will only worsten the situation.

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