Friday, April 22, 2011

Is it illegal to text while driving in Texas?

Texas drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from using wireless communications devices, i.e. cellphones, PDA, iPad
Learners permit holders are prohibited from using handheld cell phones in the first six months of driving.
Texas school bus operators are prohibited from using cell phones while driving if children are present.
Texas drivers are prohibited from using handheld devices in school crossing zones, when there are signs posted.
The Texas cities that have established local distracted driving laws are West University Place, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Amarillo, Galveston, El Paso, Missouri City and Stephenville.
Be aware as of September 2011 there will be new cities added, and potentially a ban for the entire state of Texas for using wireless communications devices and/or texting while driving


  1. Texas Adult Driver Education course is approved statewide by the Texas Education Agency to get your driver’s license if you are ages 18 to 24 & 25+ years old. 100% online. Register Now for Texas Adult Driver Education Course. Pass Our Driver Ed Course, Guaranteed! For more info please visit

  2. I will not be surprised if a statewide ban comes down the pipeline. More and more states are doing so because the risks just aren't worth it anymore. It helps if people understand the risks when they learn to drive in their Driver's Education Courses
