Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Defensive Driving on Apple and Android Devices

Comedy Driving Inc. has been teaching defensive driving for over 10 years and through the internet for over 5 years. Now the Comedy Driving defensive driving course is available through any device with internet access, this includes all the Apple devices (IPad, IPhone, IPod) and Android devices (tablets, smartphones). Once you log in to it will automatically detect what device your logging in from and give you the course that is compatible with that device. Its easy and so is our course. You have the convenience of taking the course on the go whenever and wherever you want. If you need to stop, just log out and it'll save your place. Once your ready to continue the course log back in from any computer or mobile device with internet access and you'll start off from where you left off. Hows that sound? If you have any questions or concerns you can call the Comedy Driving Support Staff at the toll free number 866-357-2020 or send an email to